What is JCYM?
See what our long-term members & new members
have to say...
I have enjoyed every moment of JCYM, the friendship, the programs, the leadership and, most of all, the many ways of giving of one ’s self….
JCYM is passionate about doing for others, both within our community and within our organization.… I treasure them for that compassion.
We play together; work together and the rewards from our philanthropies are limitless.
I feel I receive more than I give. When someone in JCYM has a care or concern, the love and support is amazing.
Giving, caring, loving friends
JCYM allows me to balance my career and family…. We have a common goal to serve our neighbors in need.
Requirements are easy…. exposed me to my community and its needs, to new friends who support each other and still allows me to enjoy my family.
JCYM is the sorority I didn't belong to in college.
JCYM is a group of women committed to improving their community through simple kind gestures.
I joined JCYM to have an opportunity to volunteer for a number of charities. Along with that came some wonderful new friendships that I now cherish.
If you would you like to learn more about JCYM, we would love to have you join us at a meeting!
Click HERE and our Membership Chair will call you back with all of the details.

Welcome to our 2023-2024
Provisional Class!

JCYM Membership Requirements
Active Member
Eligible to vote, hold office and serve on the Board of Directors
Active Member in good standing
Pay Annual Dues of $175 - tax deductible
​Operations Assessment $75
Ways & Means Assessment $75
Facility Assessment $25
Serve on at least 1 standing club committee & report club committee hours online
Attend a minimum of 4 General Meetings
Give a minimum of 25 Service Hours yearly to Approved JCYM Philanthropies/Ways & Means Projects
Supporting Member
Eligible to vote; ineligible to hold office or serve on the Board of Directors (exception - Parliamentarian/Sgt.-at-Arms may serve on Board)
(exception---Parliamentarian/Sgt.-at-Arms may serve on Board)
Submit written request (on JCYM Annual Membership Renewal Form) or to Executive Secretary for Executive Committee approval.
Status may be granted for up to 1 year at a time for any of the following categories:
Employed 25 hours per week
Full time student (at least 12 credit hours per semester)
Full time caregiver of small children or special needs child or adult
Combination of caregiver/student/employed
Members who have held Active status for 10 cumulative years
Pay Annual Dues of $137.50 - tax deductible
​Operations Assessment $75
Ways & Means Assessment $37.50
Facility Assessment $25
Select at least 2 of the following 3 choices
1. Serve on at least 1 standing club committee
2. Attend a minimum of 2 General Meetings
3. Give a minimum of 12.5 Service Hours yearly to Approved JCYM Philanthropies/Ways & Means Projects
Emeritus Member
Eligible to vote; Ineligible to hold office or serve on the Board of Directors (exception-Parliamentarian/Sgt.-at-Arms may serve on Board)
Member is eligible to request this status AFTER 25 cumulative years of service to JCYM
Pay Annual Dues of $100 - tax deductible
Operations Assessment $75
Facility Assessment $25
Inactive Member
Ineligible to vote, hold office or serve on the Board of Directors
Must have a special need that prevents member from participating in JCYM
Submit a written request on JCYM Annual Membership Renewal Form or to Executive Secretary for Executive Committee Approval
Status may be granted for up to 1 year at a time
Pay Annual Dues of $175 - tax deductible
Operations Assessment $75
Ways and Means Assessment $75
Facility Assessment $25
Non-Resident Member
Ineligible to vote, hold office or serve on Board of Directors
Be a member in good standing & move from the greater Kansas City area establishing a legal residence elsewhere
Pay Annual Dues of $25 - tax deductible
Honorary Member
Entitled to all privileges of membership except the right to make motions, vote and hold office
Membership may be conferred upon a non-member who has rendered notable service to JCYM
A written motion recommending such a person for honorary membership & a written second must be submitted to the president at least a week prior to a closed meeting
No dues & no requirements
Charter Member
Dues have been waived to honor the Founding Members
Provisional Member
Ineligible to vote, hold office or serve on the Board of Directors
Must comply with requirements for admission to membership according to the JCYM bylaws
Submit application fee, sponsor letter & photo
Support of Philanthropy/Ways and Means projects recommended
Guests and Prospective Members
Welcome at every General Meeting except the 3 Closed Meetings in September, January, and April
Members Must Report their own hours on the
JCYM Member Requirements Input Form on the Website
Use the JCYM shortcut on your mobile device or website Members Area link.
Instructions and videos are available in the Members Area of the website.
Call any member of the HELP team if you need assistance.